Stefano TomelleriCorresponding author

The Scapegoat, Evangelical Revelation and Resentment

23/2 – Fall 2018, pages 221-38
Date of online publication: 30 October 2019
Date of publication: 30 October 2019


The mimetic desire that underlies resentment can enter into different and complex strategies of interaction. In his writings, Girard has indicated at least three such strategies: those of the solipsist, the non-conformist and the minimalist. His critical insight reveals indifference, transgression and minimalism to be strategies of resentment, where all of these are symptoms of an anthropological condition characterizing contemporary Western society today. At the same time, he sees evangelical revelation as the main source of our modern awareness of the mimetic nature of human beings: an awareness that has produced ongoing transformations in modernity linked to resentment. Moreover, he observes that it is the Judeo-Christian tradition itself that has disclosed the mimetic nature of human desire and the logic of resentment. Viewed from this perspective, modern humanity now has an extraordinary opportunity to renounce the scapegoating mechanism so as to resolve its resentments, as evangelical revelation makes reconciliation and social reconstruction possible.

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Tomelleri, Stefano. “The Scapegoat, Evangelical Revelation and Resentment.” Forum Philosophicum 23, no. 2 (2018): 221–38. doi: 10.35765/forphil.2018.2302.13.