Carla CanulloCorresponding authorORCID id

Paul Ricœur: entre attestation du mal et témoignage de l’espérance

[Paul Ricœur: Between Attestation of Evil and Testimony of Hope]

22/2 - Fall 2017, pages 161-174
Date of online publication: 15 octobre 2018
Date of publication: 15 octobre 2018

Editor’s Note

We wish to express our gratitude to Fr Guilhem Causse SJ, of Centre Sèvres, for his assistance with preparing this text in French.


The aim of this article is to show that the “attestation of evil and testimony of hope” are characterized by the genitive that accompanies them. This places them both, each no less than the other, in two different horizons: while the horizon of attestation is Heideggerian, the horizon of testimony is a legacy of Jean Nabert. Both of these horizons are present in the thought of Ricœur, and characterize the entire spectrum of his work. However, we are not dealing here with a syncretism resulting from the co-presence of a hermeneutic source and of the philosophy of reflection. On the contrary, I attempt to show that the co-presence of attestation and testimony results from the fact that Ricœur never stopped “walking on two legs,” given what he writes in a conversation published in the Critique and Conviction, and that this presence is rooted in Ricœur’s formation, which is at the same time philosophical, literary and biblical, as he never renounced either the former one, or the latter ones.


Cite this article

Canullo, Carla. “Paul Ricœur: entre attestation du mal et témoignage de l’espérance” [Paul Ricœur: Between Attestation of Evil and Testimony of Hope]. Forum Philosophicum 22, no. 2 (2017): 161–74. doi:10.5840/forphil201722212.


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