On the Occasion of his Seventieth Year
Roman Darowski was born on August 12, 1935, in Szczepanowice, near Tarnow. He entered the Jesuit Order on July 31, 1951, and underwent a two year novitiate in Stara Wieś, near Krosno. He was ordained priest on July 31, 1961, in Warsaw. He studied philosophy at the Jesuit College (Faculty of Philosophy) in Cracow (1955-1958). He obtained a Master's Degree (MA) after presenting his thesis, Basic Foundations of Marxist Ethics [Podstawowe założenia etyki marksistowkiej], written under the direction of Tadeusz Ślipko, S. J . He studied theology at the Jesuit College (Faculty of Theology: Bobolanum) in Warsaw (1958-1962). After presenting his thesis Church History of Szczepanowice [Dzieje kościelne Szczepanowic], directed by Włodzimierz Kamńhski, S. J., he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Theology (at that time equal to an MA). In the following year (1962/1963), he completed the so-called „third probation" in Paray-le-Monial, France, (a one year study of the Constitutions of the order and of Ignatian spirituality).
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“Prof. Roman Darowski, S.J. On the Occasion of His Seventieth Year.” Forum Philosophicum 10 (2005): 253–5. doi:10.35765/forphil.2005.1001.17.