Carl HumphriesCorresponding authorORCID id

Ian Dearden. Do Philosophers Talk Nonsense?
An Inquiry into the Possibility of Illusions of Meaning

18/2 - Fall 2013, pages 269-278
Date of online publication: 20 March 2014
Date of publication: 20 March 2014


In his newly reissued and revised book, the philosopher Ian Dearden at- tempts a critical inquiry into a philosophical position he calls “nonsensi- calism,” which he takes to correspond to the view “that it is possible to be mistaken in thinking one means anything by what one says” (9).1 He holds that an unexamined assumption to this effect is implicit in a large swathe of philosophical work dating from a period stretching throughout most of the 20th century (and to some degree extending to the present day), thanks to the widespread tendency of philosophers to accuse each other of talk- ing nonsense. This is, according to the author of the book, most visible in the earlier and later philosophical writings of Wittgenstein, in logical pos- itivism, and in representatives of the Oxford-based “ordinary language” philosophy movement, as well as in the writings of many of those subse- quently writing under the influence of these. Dearden coins a special term to refer to the sort of error that philosophers are accusing each other of having committed: he calls such cases of error “illusions of meaning.”

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Humphries, Carl. "Ian Dearden. Do Philosophers Talk Nonsense? An Inquiry into the Possibility of Illusions of Meaning." Forum Philosophicum 18, no. 2 (2013): 269–78. doi:10.35765/forphil.2013.1802.16.


Dearden, Ian. Do Philosophers Talk Nonsense? An Inquiry into the Possibility of Illusions of Meaning. Revised Edition. London: Rellet Press, 2013. First published 2005.

Diamond, Cora. “What Nonsense Might Be.” In The Realistic Spirit: Wittgenstein, Philosophy, and the Mind, Representation and Mind, 95–114. Cambridge, MA; London: MIT Press / A Bradford Book, 1991 106. Reprinted from Philosophy 56, no. 215 (1981): 5–22. doi:10.1017/S0031819100049743.

Hertzberg, Lars. “The Sense is Where You Find It.” In Wittgenstein in America, edited by Timothy G. McCarthy and Sean C. Stidd, 90–103. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001.

Rhees, Rush. “Wittgenstein’s Builders—Recapitulation.” In Wittgenstein and the Possibility of Discourse, edited by Dewi Zephaniah Phillips, 178–197. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.


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