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The Interplay of Philosophy and Religion in the Chinese Culture
The aim of this article is to present the interplay between philosophy, religion and culture in China, to give a clear picture of philosophical, religious and cultural aspects of Chinese culture. What do we understand by Chinese culture? What is the role of Religion and Philosophy in Chinese Culture? The goal of this presentation is to present a deeper account of the philosophical, cultural and traditional differences and similarities between the Chinese and the Western World. What is the meaning of Chinese philosophical ideas? How do we understand and interpret Chinese thought? How do we build a bridge between East and West focused on cultural, philosophical and religious aspects? What has the West done for China and what has China done for West? Are we partners in inter-religious, cultural and philosophical dialogue?
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Konior, Jan. “The Interplay of Philosophy and Religion in the Chinese Culture.” Forum Philosophicum 14, no. 1 (2009): 57–67. doi:10.35765/forphil.2009.1401.04.
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