Aleksey KamenskikhCorresponding authorORCID id

The Tragedy of Cosmogonic Objectivation in the Valentinian Gnosis and Russian Philosophy
Vladimir Solovyov, Lev Karsavin, and Nikolay Berdyaev

18/2 - Fall 2013, pages 207-230
Date of online publication: 20 March 2014
Date of publication: 20 March 2014


The subject of this paper is a specific form of cosmogony—the conception of cosmogonic objectivation, interpreted as a tragedy or cosmogonic fall. This conception is examined on the basis of the evidence furnished by two sets of materials: firstly, the original texts and paraphrases of the Valentinian Gnostics of the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD (Irenaeus Adversus haereses, 1.1.1–1.1.10; Excerpta ex Theodoto, compiled by Clement of Alexandria; and The Gospel of Truth from the Nag Hammadi Library), and secondly, the writings of the Russian philosophers Vladimir Solovyov, Lev Karsavin and Nikolay Berdyaev. The research reveals a series of specific features common to both of these: in particular, the conception of cosmogonic objectivation appears to be connected with the doctrine of the absolute person’s fall, and with the motive of self-alienation.


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Kamenskikh, Aleksey. "The Tragedy of Cosmogonic Objectivation in the Valentinian Gnosis and Russian Philosophy: Vladimir Solovyov, Lev Karsavin, and Nikolay Berdyaev." Forum Philosophicum 18, no. 2 (2013): 207–30. doi:10.35765/forphil.2013.1802.12.


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