Editorial Note

22/2 - Fall 2017, pages 117-117
Date of online publication: 15 octobre 2018
Date of publication: 30 décembre 2017


In an issue that contains a large dossier devoted to the philosophy of Paul Ricœur, we are, exceptionally, publishing a few texts in French. We believe that it is important for scholars of Ricœur’s philosophy to be able to deal with testimonies such as that offered by Catherine Goldenstein in their original formulation. We also appreciate the importance of the original French wording and semantic associations when it comes to grasping Ricœur’s arguments in all their completeness.The texts published in French are accompanied by metadata in English. Their bibliographies are also presented in English, for the sake of consistency with citation tracking systems. Footnotes have been formatted in line with French typographic customs, while still following the broad lines of the Chicago Manual of Style.

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“Editorial Note.” Forum Philosophicum 22, no. 2 (2017): 117. doi:10.35765/forphil.2017.2202.07.