Robert JanuszCorresponding authorORCID id

Abstrakcja, obiekty i cywilizacja globalna

[Abstraction, Objects and Global Civilization]

9 - 2004, pages 203-216
Date of online publication: 29 août 2016
Date of publication: 30 novembre 2004


The article is about an interaction between philosophy and informatics. The discussion is based on a complex example - a country, which has an evolving domain. In contemporary computer science very complex systems are modeled. However it would be impossible to model such systems with every detail, because it would be too difficult, it would be as complex as the reality itself. Frequently complex domains don't have an exact description of their behavior: some have an inadequate description, some have a contradictory one. To model such complex domains a computer science specialist acts like a philosopher: makes classifications, explanations, etc. On the other hand there have to be some philosophical presuppositions - a conviction that a logical analysis and design will work in the domain being modeled: a postulate is introduced that logos is able to capture-in the reality. The descriptions
are continuously purified from irrational influences.


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Janusz, Robert. “Abstrakcja, obiekty i cywilizacja globalna.” Forum Philosophicum 9 (2004): 203–16. doi:10.35765/forphil.2004.0901.12.