Jan-Kyrre Berg OlsenCorresponding author

Metaphysics and Time

13/2 - Fall 2008, pages 367-382
Date of online publication: 15 novembre 2008
Date of publication: 01 novembre 2008


The leap from primitive to scientific time represented as the “time” in “relativity physics,” or in “thermodynamics” or perhaps in “quantum physics” or even within “statistical mechanics” is large. Large also is the conceptual difference between these various understandings of the nature of time. How are we really to understand these physical perspectives on time: As knowledge about the real nature of time represented by the objective concepts: Or as epistemological-operational abstractions that cannot avoid elevating their results to the level of full-fledged reality, to ontology?


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Olsen, Jan-Kyrre Berg. “Metaphysics and Time.” Forum Philosophicum 13, no. 2 (2008): 357–71. doi:10.35765/forphil.2008.1302.27.


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