Mark S. McLeod-Harrison and Mark McLeod-HarrisonCorresponding author ORCID id

Christian Feminism, Gender and Human Essences
Toward a Solution of the Sameness and Difference Dilemma

19/2 - Fall 2014, pages 169-191
Date of online publication: 22 octobre 2014
Date of publication: 31 mars 2014


 Christian feminist theory faces many stresses, some due directly to the apparent nature of Christianity and its seeming patriarchy. But feminism can also be thought inherent in Christianity. All people are made in God’s image. Christians should view women and men as equals, just as they should see people of all races as equals. The basic question discussed, within a biblical and philosophical framework, is if it possible for Christian feminist theory to hold that there is an essence to being a woman, being a man or being human all the while recognizing vast differences among women, among men and among human persons? I propose a beginning solution to this problem.


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McLeod-Harrison, Mark S. “Christian Feminism, Gender, and Human Essences: Toward a Solution of the Sameness and Difference Dilemma.” Forum Philosophicum 19, no. 2 (2014): 169–91. doi:10.35765/forphil.2014.1902.09.


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