Grzegorz Hołub

Grzegorz HołubCorresponding authorORCID id
Personhood in Bioethics
Issues » 12/1 - Spring 2007 » Articles
Grzegorz HołubCorresponding authorORCID id
Being a Person and Acting as a Person
Issues » 13/2 - Fall 2008 » Articles
Grzegorz HolubCorresponding authorORCID id and Grzegorz Hołub ORCID id
Wojtyła on Persons and Consciousness
Issues » 19/1 - Spring 2014 » Articles
Grzegorz HołubCorresponding authorORCID id
Presentation of the Encyclopaedia of Bioethics
Issues » 11 - 2006 » Book Reviews
Grzegorz HołubCorresponding authorORCID id
Tadeusz Biesaga: Elementy etyki lekarskiej
Issues » 12/1 - Spring 2007 » Book Reviews
Grzegorz HołubCorresponding authorORCID id
Between Pragmatics and Rehgious Experience. Hugo Tristram Engelhardt's Concept of Bioethics
Issues » 10 - 2005 » Articles
Grzegorz HołubCorresponding authorORCID id
Struggling with the Reality of the Person and Its Interpretation
On the Method of Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophy
Issues » 28/2 – Fall 2023 » Articles

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