James HackettCorresponding authorORCID id and J. Edward HackettCorresponding author

Reviving Scheler’s Phenomenological Account of the Person for the 21st Century

19/1 - Spring 2014, pages 27-41
Date of online publication: 21 février 2015
Date of publication: 21 février 2015


In the following article, I discuss the root of Scheler’s account of the person, its origin in phenomenology and the larger impact that view has as an alternative to other conceptions of the person. My thesis in this article intends to show why we should start with Scheler’s phenomenology over other approaches to the person. First, I take a look at what theoretical resources Scheler’s phenomenology has to offer us, and secondly, I outline the cultural conditions as to why the value of the person must be affirmed in light of the 20th century and past philosophical mistakes in ethics. I, then, end on affirming the reasons why we ought to revive Scheler’s account of the person.


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Hackett, J. Edward. "Reviving Scheler’s Phenomenological Account of the Person for the 21st Century." Forum Philosophicum 19, no. 1 (2014): 27–41. doi:10.35765/forphil.2014.1901.02.


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