Leland HarperORCID id and Leland R. HarperCorresponding author

A Deistic Discussion of Murphy and Tracy’s Accounts of God’s Limited Activity in the Natural World

18/1 - Spring 2013, pages 93-107
Date of online publication: 10 décembre 2013
Date of publication: 10 décembre 2013


Seemingly, in an attempt to appease both the micro-physicists and the classical theists, Nancey Murphy and Thomas Tracy have each developed accounts of God which allow for Him to act, in an otherwise causally closed natural world, through various micro-processes at the subatomic level. I argue that not only do each of these views skew the accounts of both micro-physics and theism just enough to preclude the appeasement of either group but that both accounts can aptly be classified as, what I term, epistemic deism. I go on to argue that epistemic deism is a weak brand of deism that ultimately provides us with little to no answers to any of serious questions discussed within the philosophy or religion.


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Harper, Leland R. "A Deistic Discussion of Murphy and Tracy’s Accounts of God’s Limited Activity in the Natural World." Forum Philosophicum 18, no. 1 (2013): 93–107. doi:10.35765/forphil.2013.1801.06.


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