benevolence Index de benevolence fr 0 Affective Knowledge of God Affective knowledge of God is a kind of knowledge which follows human affectivity. This knowledge takes place on two levels: the level of the natural inclination of man towards God and the level of the religious bias of man towards God. What is the nature of affective knowledge of God? It seems there are three problems in question. First of all, as there is a natural inclination towards God in man, one will be restless unless one recognizes or finds God. Secondly, one who loves God has a new deeper knowledge of the divine things through connaturality and inclination. Thirdly, as the result of one's encounter with God and of uniting with Him, man experiences certain subjective states which cannot be expressed by words. Mon, 15 Feb 2016 16:45:39 +0100 Mon, 15 Feb 2016 16:45:39 +0100 The Fear, Honor, and Love of God: Thomas Jefferson on Jews, Philosophers, and Jesus In a letter to Benjamin Rush, Jefferson includes a syllabus—a comparative account of the merits of Jewish morality, ancient philosophy, and the precepts of Jesus. Using the syllabus as a guide, this paper is a critical examination of the influence of ancient ethical and religious thinking on Jefferson’s ethical and religious thinking—viz., Jefferson’s views of the ethics and religion of the Hebrews, the ancient philosophers, and Jesus. Fri, 31 Jul 2015 17:24:26 +0200 Fri, 31 Jul 2015 17:40:45 +0200